Version Alpha 1.4.2.

A prototype version of a Unity game, based on a game I previously designed in google sheets:

Currently there are two countries with troops that can move and fight, with extra features like pathfinding included.

Play in fullscreen.

To move around the camera, use the arrow keys and scroll wheel.
Click on troops to select/deselect them.
Right click on tiles to give the troop orders to move towards them. You can only move your own troops.
The next turn button will pass over control to the other country.
After blue's turn, all troops get their movement points back.
There are buttons in the control panel, you can read tooltips to learn more about them.
Early alpha, currently there is no objective.

Esc - Go into main menu.
Enter - Next turn.
Z - Deselect currently selected troop.
Alternatives: WASD/IO for camera movement.


Alpha 29 MB

Development log

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