Alpha 1.3.4 - Cities

After I added combat to the game, my work wasn't nearly done. Here I'll say what I've done up until this point:

  • Of course, I had to do a lot of polishing and bugfixing in various updates.
  • In 1.2.2, I went through my entire codebase and rewrote it. I used custom classes instead of inefficient types like Dictionary<int, int[][]> to represent objects like troops.
  • I added some other combat related features: Troops can now retreat or advance, they try to preserve their own lives. To make it more balanced, I added combat mode, where you can order a troop to chase down another, wherever it goes.
  • After a long hiatus, I came back by adding water and proceduraly generated terrain.

Finally, I've added cities, which can act like troops in some ways (getting into battles), change behavior of troops garrisoned within them, grow their population, spawn new troops from their population, be selected like troops, and more.

Update log is here.

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